Welcome to Spring Staff Development

The following information will help you prepare for our two days together.

Monday, March 10, we will be together, in person, in the Rocklin B174 (main campus). Breakfast will be served at 7:30am, and we begin at 8:30am.
If you are attending virtually via Zoom because you are at a distance, the link is: https://witcc.zoom.us/j/92959151305

This will be followed by remarks from Dr. Murrell, our college president.

Please be sure your browser is up to date, as well as the Zoom app if you will use it to access for day one or any sessions on day two. However, you don’t even need a Zoom account - you can click on the link for the sessions.

If you need accommodations or have dietary requests for breakfast or lunch, please contact Angie and Amy in the ACE, at ACE-A@witcc.edu.

As always, we will be accepting donations for the Comet Cupboard. Personal Care items are most needed. There will be a place to put in your name if you bring items, and we will draw for a prize. Let's make an impact together!

Tuesday, March 11, will be a virtual day of staff development. You will attend virtually, which means you can join us from the comfort of home, through Zoom.

Reminder, in addition to the sessions planned for you to attend, the following are options:

The wonderful offering of sessions would not be possible without many of our colleagues who are presenting and sharing their knowledge, skills, time, and talent; our community members and partners; and the staff development committee who recruited for and planned this event.

Our gratitude to:

  • Stefanie O’Dell and Title III for the decorations and ambience!
  • The presenters - for the time and attention given to making our virtual day informative and helpful with the expertise they shared
  • Wendy Ohl - for the digitized Staff Development schedule
  • Barry Schroeter and his staff in the Overlook Cafe - for providing breakfast, lunch, and snacks
  • The students in the Mass Communications program, Chris Mansfield, Mike Jones, and Mike Meister - for all things recorded, edited, televised, and gloriously shared with all of us
  • Our interpreters - for helping make our Staff Development accessible

We are so glad everyone was able to be together today.

There will be a survey after staff development, and please share feedback or future ideas with any of us on the Staff Development Committee:

Kemi Brown
Michelle Fiechtner
Mellisa Flanigan
James Garvey
Rachelle Green
Mara Hall
Amanda Heilman
Amy Hueser
Mike Jones
Sabrina Landesman
Helen Lewis
Chris Mansfield
Jennifer McCune
Teresa McElroy
Lee McNaughton
Matthew Pfister
Jackie Plendl
Michael Rohlena
Angela Sewalson
Revathi Vongsiprasom
Carmen Wilson