

  • Academic Council
  • Administrative Council
  • Executive Council
  • President's Council for Inclusive Excellence
  • Student Support Council


Assessment Committee
Purpose: Develop and initiate implementation of assessment plans, assist in collecting data, and facilitate discussion between instructors based on their results in all phases of student learning. Including, but not limited to General Education Outcomes, Course and program outcomes and assessments.

Club Congress
Purpose: The Club Congress is an assembly where students can share ideas and concerns with a group of peers. By organizing under this government, the students gain the ability to take appropriate actions to improve the experiences of the whole student population.

Colleague Reporting and Operational Analytics (CROA) Super Users
Purpose:  All areas of the College should be represented in the Colleague information reporting system. This user group (CROA Super Users) improves reporting for their areas of the College. The group is responsible for ensuring that appropriate reporting processes are developed and followed to ensure accurate and consistent college-wide data and reporting for operational, strategic and project management.

Curriculum Committee
Purpose: Review and approve proposed and revised curriculum. Evaluate for fit in programs and institution

Purpose: Program Evaluation/DACUM is part of New Program Development as well as Programs of Concern and Existing Program Review. It is an effective method of conducting job and/or occupational analysis.

Equipment Team
Purpose: Prioritize equipment needs throughout the institution as it relates to academic programs and student support programs. Review and approve requests for equipment and determine appropriate funding for such equipment. Monitor equipment budgets related to Perkins, 3 and 6 cent and other grant funds to be used for equipment needs

Faculty Senate
Purpose: To communicate between committees, administration and faculty.

Managing Applications and Data (MAD)
Purpose: Establish a team to review College issues and topics that relate to Student Data and Colleague applications, products and projects.

New Programs Committee
Purpose: To gather information for new programs and changes to existing programs for presentation and approval by the President.

Staff Development Committee
Purpose: This committee provides input to Staff Development Chairpersons on topics of development needed and reaction to development offered.

Wellness Committee
Purpose: Promote health and wellness on campus.