Spill Procedure

Procedure for Hazardous Materials Release

If release of a hazardous material occurs at the college, the goal is to protect individuals from the substance.

Hazardous Materials Release (substances such as lab chemicals, asbestos, automotive fluids, biological materials)

To report hazardous material release

  • From a safe distance call switchboard operator at 1316. Provide the identity, amount, and location of the material
  • The Operator will notify Incident Coordinators and Security
  • Incident Coordinators will contact the proper officials and determine if the facility will have to be evacuated
  • If a hazardous material release occurs on a weekend or holiday and the operator and physical plant personnel are not on campus, contact Campus Security at 6414.

All persons should respond to directions from the Incident Coordinators, Campus Security and Physical Plant personnel.

  • If the release does not represent a hazard beyond its immediate location:
    • Ask occupants to leave the area
    • If unsure about the hazard, proceed with building evacuation
  • If the material is unknown or if it poses a hazard beyond its immediate location, evacuate immediately

Universal Precautions Procedure

  • Contact the college switchboard at 1316
  • Do not move a non-ambulatory victim until qualified medical or first-aid personnel arrive.
  • The College has trained certain staff members to properly clean up spills of blood and body fluids. Students, staff and faculty who have not been trained and authorized by the College should refrain from cleaning up a spill.

Personal protection guidelines

  • Wash hands frequently to reduce the risk of exposure to blood borne diseases
  • Wear gloves if there is even a possibility you might have contact with another person’s body fluids.
  • After removal of gloves, wash hands with soap
  • Wear gloves once and discard; do not attempt to wash and reuse
Western Iowa Tech Community College
712-274-6400 | witcc.edu | 4647 Stone Avenue | Sioux City, Iowa 51106