Student Clubs and Activities

Campus Calendar

Date Start Event Location
3/12 11:30am Bingo in the Cafe Overlook Cafe
3/15 1:00pm Denison St. Patrick's Day Parade Denison Post Office
3/16 2:00pm Spring Radio Theatre
3/16-3/17 5:00pm March Madness Bracket Turn In
3/17 6:30pm Harlem Globetrotters Tyson Events Center
3/17 4:00pm Disinformation and Media Analysis Club: Breaking Down St. Patrick's Day CIE - A459 and Zoom
3/18 12:00pm Movies at the Promenade Cinema
3/19 11:00am Denison National Women's Month Trivia Denison
3/19 10:00am Where's Comet Craig? Mystery
3/20 7:00pm Carnival Fun Fair Prairie Place
3/20 11:00am Coffee & Crafts Denison
3/20 6:00pm Spring Fling Dance Rocklin Conference Center
3/20 10:00am Disinformation and Media Analysis Club: Let's Talk Tariffs CIE - A459 and Zoom
3/21 10:30am Comet Leadership Academy Presents: OFFICE OLYMPICS! A202
3/21 5:00pm Board Games and Pizza Rocklin Conference Center
3/24 4:00pm Disinformation and Media Analysis Club: Let's Talk Tariffs CIE - A459 and Zoom
3/24 1:30am Bingo in the Cafe Overlook Cafe
3/26 11:00am Denison Pancake Breakfast Denison
3/27 3:30pm Special Services Fair Rocklin Conference Center
4/02 10:00am Family Violence Prevention Awareness D-222
4/03 12:00pm Clubs and Organizations Meeting W108
4/07 8:00am Sexual Assault Awareness Month Post-It Police Cruiser Parking Lot 1
4/10 11:00am 5th Annual TEDx Western Iowa Tech Rocklin Conference Center
4/11 9:00am Dining Service Committee Wells Fargo Room in the Overlook Cafe
4/15-4/16 9:00am Cap & Gown Pick-up
4/15 11:00am Beyond the Mirror: Deconstructing Beauty Standards Rocklin Conference Center: B174
4/15 1:00pm Healthy Relationships on the Break D-222
4/16 12:00pm Egg Hunt All around campus
4/17 11:30am Bingo in the Cafe Overlook Cafe
4/22 2:00pm Free Popcorn By the Coffee Spot
4/23 4:00pm 15th Annual Car Show and shine Parking lot #2
4/29 11:30am Bingo in the Cafe Overlook Cafe
5/01 7:00pm Spring Celebration: Choral Concert Cargill Auditorium (D103)
5/05 8:00am Title IX Awareness Round Up Campus-Wide
5/09 6:00pm WITStock 25
5/13 6:00pm 2025 Commencement Ceremony Tyson Events Center
6/09-7/25 Apply for Summer Graduation